About me and my blog


Hi I’m Livi and I’m a 21 year old who has just graduated from university (the best three years of my life to date).

I always struggle with what to say in these “About Sections”… but I’ll give it a go!

I was born near London and studied in Exeter. I am also a self-proclaimed chocoholic and chatterbox! When I was younger, I was very shy and kept my head down. I got my first job at 16 and gained confidence, and by the time I reached university, I was bouncing around campus on a daily basis (the chocolate being an excellent source of energy was probably responsible for this).

I never really thought travel would be for me- when I planned out my life at a young age, I assumed I would go to school, go to university, get a job, hopefully have a family etc… But travel?

This all changed when I met some of my incredible friends at university. They knew where I was from, and had a good idea about my upbringing, but I could only imagine about their country and culture and had only their words for guidance.

This was key in convincing me that I wanted to see Asia, where two of my close friends are from, and open my mind more to what exists out there.


Why write? Why not use only photography?

I won’t deny how much I love photos; visual images can be both spectacular and inspiring.

But words have always meant something particularly special to me.

When I was younger, I wrote when I experienced strong emotions or a confusing or difficult situation. At university, I wrote creatively or autobiographically much less, with my focus being drawn towards degree work and exams.

The chance to travel seemed like a good excuse to return to writing and so, (very) late one night, I decided to set up this blog. Expect to see posts about food, places and people.

Most of all, I strive to be honest and relay my opinions. I know how lucky I am to have the chance to travel, and want to be able to remember the good, the bad and the ugly without my memory playing too many tricks on me. That’s why I decided it would be important to keep a diary and write blog posts (also so my family could see that I wasn’t causing too much mischief).

Feel free to comment any constructive criticism and thank you very much for taking the time to read my blog!


I’m not on twitter or instagram. To get in touch, please comment on any of my posts or else drop me a line on the following email address: oliviajf2014@gmail.com

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